The Background of George Washington

The Background of George Washington

George Washington-the most moral politician in American history, the most rememberable general, and the most beloved Founding Father. However, who was he before all of the political campaigns listing his name for President (which he did grudgingly)?

Washington was born as the first son of the marital union of Augustine and Mary Ball Washington, which was the second marriage of Augustine Washington after the death of his first wife. At age eleven, Washington’s father, Augustine, died, leaving him to the care of Mary. However, this sudden change affected his schooling, which he was forced to give up at age fifteen. This change of schooling stopped in brilliant stunt in mathematics, bringing him to later become the Culpeper County Surveyor.

Later, when Washington was under the favor of Virginia Governor Dinwiddle, Dinwiddle comissioned Washington as a Major and commanded him to set an expedition to the Ohio frontier to confront the French on their actions on “English” territory. This expedition led to the beginning of the Seven Years’ War, which officially began with Washington’s building and loss of Fort Necessity. His pamphlet from that experience, The Journal of Major George Washington, became a best-selling memoir on both sides of the Atlantic.

That is where we leave off, the rest is already known to most of the American public.

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