The Life of Russell Marion Nelson: Part III- The Start of A Journey

The Life of Russell Marion Nelson: Part III- The Start of A Journey

The following quotes from varied sources shows the major events of Russell M. Nelson’s life that took place in 1985-2005:

Brother Russell M. Nelson, future president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, was attending a regional representatives seminar on Friday, April 6, 1984, when he was tapped on the shoulder and told President Hinckley, then second counselor in the First Presidency, wanted to meet with him.

Upon entering President Hinckley’s office, President Nelson was asked ‘If everything in his life was in order,’ according to his biography, ‘Russell M. Nelson: Father, Surgeon, Apostle,’ by Spencer J. Condie.

“Yes,” Brother Nelson said.

’Good!’ President Hinckley said. “Tomorrow we will sustain you as a new member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles!’

President Nelson was stunned but accepted. After discussing some dilemmas in regard to his professional commitments, President Hinckley suggested he excuse himself from the seminar and go home to share the news with his wife, Dantzel, which he did.

’Their conversation involved tearful expressions of mutual love and support,’ President Nelson’s biography reads.

Both President Nelson and Elder Dallin H. Oaks were sustained the next day. They filled vacancies left by Elder LeGrand Richards, who died January 1983, and Elder Mark E. Petersen, who died January 1984.
— Trent Toone and Sarah Gambles and Chelsea Potter, "21 LDS Church leaders describe how they were called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles"
Saturday of April conference of 1984 has been circled on our calendar for many years, for that date was targeted as the first time in my life that our only son would be old enough to attend general priesthood meeting with me. Last night, that long awaited goal became a reality. Brothers and sisters, little did we know that on that day my name would be presented as a member of the Council of the Twelve.

Since we didn’t know, our children didn’t know either. Our married daughters telephoned us between sessions. One who was expecting a baby, said, ‘Daddy, I was so shocked by that announcement—I think I am going into labor.’

That she did.

So, President Hinckley, your announcement from the First Presidency should get credit at least for ‘an assist.’ Our twenty-second grandchild arrived safely last evening!
— Russell M. Nelson, Oct. 1984 General Conference, "Call to the Holy Apostleship"
I know how unnerving it can be to be asked to do something that seems far beyond your capacity. I had been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for only 19 months when President Spencer W. Kimball passed away. In the first meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles following President Ezra Taft Benson’s ordination, he gave specific assignments to the Twelve. His instructions to me included, ‘Elder Nelson, you are to open the countries of Eastern Europe for the preaching of the gospel.’
That was 1985. During those politically frigid years that we refer to as the Cold War, not only did a literal wall divide the city of Berlin, but all of Eastern Europe was under the oppressive yoke of communism. Churches were closed, and religious worship was strictly limited.
I had spent much of my professional life opening hearts to perform life-saving operations, but I had no experience that would lead me to believe I could open countries for the preaching of the gospel. And yet, a prophet had given me an assignment, so I set out to do what seemed utterly impossible.
From the outset, obstacles were placed in my way. I arrived in most countries not knowing where to go. Even when I was able to find the name of an appropriate government official, it was not unusual for a meeting to be canceled at the last minute or to be postponed. In one country, when an appointment was delayed for two days, a number of temptations were intentionally placed in my way to test me—including traps for black market money and other illicit activities. On another occasion, a meeting was opened with the demand that I depart immediately!
But the Lord is able to do His own work, and I was privileged to watch the unfolding of one miracle after another—always, and only, after I had brought my best thinking, my most courageous efforts, and my most fervent prayers to the task.
Recognition of the Church was granted by some of those countries before the Berlin Wall came down. Others came later. In the year 1992, I was able to report to President Benson that the Church was now established in every country in Eastern Europe!
As a True Millennial whom the Lord can count on, you will make history too! You will be asked to accept challenging assignments and become an instrument in the Lord’s hands. And He will enable you to accomplish the impossible.
— Russell M. Nelson; Facebook; August 12, 2016
My dear brethren and sisters, since our last general conference, my sweetheart—my beloved wife for 59 years—passed away. While I was at home on a rare Saturday with no assignment, we had worked together. She had washed our clothing. I had helped to carry it, fold it, and put it in place. Then while we were sitting on the sofa, holding hands, enjoying a program on television, my precious Dantzel slipped peacefully into eternity. Her passing came suddenly and unexpectedly. Just four days earlier, our doctor’s report at a routine checkup indicated that her laboratory tests were good. After my efforts to revive her proved fruitless, feelings of shock and sorrow overwhelmed me. My closest friend, angel mother of our 10 children, grandmother of our 56 grandchildren, had been taken from us.
— -Russell M. Nelson, April 2005 General Conference, "Now Is the Time to Prepare"
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